Thursday, May 14, 2009

Ode to Thursdays

Ah, Thursdays.
Oh how I heart you Thursday.
Such a glorious day.
I will always heart you... until the season is over. :)
Tonight is the night. Season Finale night.
Well Thursday, we had a good run.
Tonight will be the goodbye party.
Until next season. Remember how much I heart you.

I love Grey's Anatomy.
Wait, that's an understatement.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Grey's Anatomy!

And last week was the Season Finale of Private Practice.
Talk about a cliffhanger! Until next season to you too. *love*

1 comment:

The Jarrett's said...

I am undoubtably in love with Grey's as well. Private Practice too. Sooooo gooood. It's my 2 hour of indulgence every week. Haha, I snapped at Russell last Thursday as Rhyen, our daughter, was screaming and throwing the laundry everywhere (that I had just folded), and Russell was sitting on the couch cracking up as I frustratingly raised the volume on the TV. I can laugh about it now, but when Grey's or Private Practice is on, I don't mess around!!! haha.