Saturday, June 5, 2010

Kindergarten Graduation

Scott graduated from Kindergarten on May 26th. He's so big.
I wish I had a picture, but our camera has been crappy lately. It works and then it doesn't.
Oh well.
So part of the ceremony was for each child to have a turn with the microphone to say what they want to be when they grow up and why. So it went like this, "I wonder about ______, that's why I want to be a _________ when I grow up." There were some really good ones. One boy wants to he a heart surgeon, one girl whats to be a teacher, another girl wants to be a pilot, and another wants to be a vet. Then there were a couple that want to be a cowboy and a cowgirl. Then there were the creative ones. One boy stood up there and said he wanted to be a ninja, another wanted to be an INVISIBLE ninja. (haha) Then there were two boys that aspired to be fast food workers, one at Chik-fil-a and the other at a place called Cheeseburger, Cheeseburger. Those two made everyone laugh! It was classic. Not that there was anything wrong with them wanting to work in fast food. Not at all. It was just really cute. Scott said he wants to be a Monster Truck Driver. I love him and am so proud of him. The improvements he has made this year have been astounding. I am truly grateful to his teachers and incredibly amazed at his accomplishments. He is awesome. Congratulations to my Buster.

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